Welcome to The Ink Fusion Tattoo Empire

The Ink Fusion Tattoo Empire is the original and leading International Entertainment and Comic Con Tattoo program. Providing tattooing services for fans across the planet. Holding license agreements with Lucasfilms LTD, Star Trek / Paramount, Robert Englund, Lance Henriksen, Ricou Browning, and is the only sanctioned tattoo program by the late great Stan Lee. The Ink Fusion Empire proves itself, time after time, why it is "When the Worlds of Tattooing and Pop Culture Collide".

The Legendary story of The Ink Fusion Empire
It started out when the creator, Marc Draven, decided to bring the two professions he worked in, together as one. As a professional tattoo artist for almost 20 years, Marc also did media booking, marketing, and sales at entertainment conventions. Having the desire to bring something fresh to each market, Marc fused the two and called it "Ink Fusion".
At first, many people didn't know how to take it. "Tattooing at a Comic Con?"............ Absolutely! Bringing your favorite celebrity movie star or TV actress to a Tattoo convention??..... Believe it!! Once people realized that Ink Fusion was the first professional Tattoo program, that is also Inspected and regulated by the board of health for each and every show, the fans came in by the dozens. Soon Draven had received the attention of other artists from around the area, then the state, then the Country, then Internationally. 13 years later, Ink Fusion is not only a Comic Con favorite across the globe, but also by over 200 different artists at past events. We've not only caught the ear of the fans and promoters, but also the likes of Lucasfilm and comic legends. Along with our licensed exclusive Star Wars Celebration shirts, WE'VE MADE TOYS!!! We've also released licensed limited edition action figures of Marvel Legend Stan Lee, The Creature from the Black Lagoon's Ricou Browning, and the man of your dreams Robert Englund!
Bringing the professional arts of tattooing to entertainment shows and pop culture shows, has given huge exposure to the business but also secures safe, sterile practice to the fans and even the celebrities who've gotten tattooed at the events. Truely showing why Ink Fusion Empire is "Where the Worlds of Tattooing and Pop Culture Collide".